WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'priority' in 'field list']
INSERT INTO wppf_actionscheduler_actions ( `hook`, `status`, `scheduled_date_gmt`, `scheduled_date_local`, `schedule`, `group_id`, `priority`, `args` ) SELECT 'action_scheduler/migration_hook', 'pending', '2025-03-06 17:52:17', '2025-03-06 12:52:17', 'O:30:\"ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule\":2:{s:22:\"\0*\0scheduled_timestamp\";i:1741283537;s:41:\"\0ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule\0timestamp\";i:1741283537;}', 1, 10, '[]' FROM DUAL WHERE ( SELECT NULL FROM DUAL ) IS NULL

communication Archives - Gail-Elaine Tinker MS, RM, CH, NCC, LPC

Communication Cheat Sheet: 10 Shortcuts to Better Expression

Communication Cheat Sheet:  10 Shortcuts to Better Expression By Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S., NCC, LPC Communication is a lifelong challenge. Babies cry when they cannot figure out how to express a need for food or a diaper change. Older children experiment with...

Divorce and Mental Health

Divorce and Mental Health: Understanding the Stages and Successful Navigation By Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S, LPC Counselors know that 50% of all marriages in the US end in divorce, 65% of second marriages also end in divorce. Divorce is associated with an increase in...

Use of Metaphor In Psychotherapy: Does it Help or Hurt?

Use of Metaphor In Psychotherapy: does it help or hurt? By Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S., LPC Licensed Psychotherapist When a client describes to me that her anxiety feels ‘like a lion is sitting on her chest’ or that his ‘depression feels like he is trapped in a very dark...

Treatment of Anxiety and Depression:A Self-Empowering Process

Treatment of Anxiety and Depression:A Self-Empowering Process   As with any presented issue, Tinker Psychotherapy Services – Gail-Elaine Tinker MS, LPC, provides treatment with a custom approach and emphasis on self-empowerment. The idea is to help the...

Anxiety: 11 coping methods to managing your anxiety symptoms

  Anxiety: 11 coping methods to managing your anxiety symptoms By Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S., LPC  Psychotherapist Do you or someone you love to suffer regularly from anxiety? Do you feel helpless when trying to manage your symptoms or when encouraging your loved one to...

All About Boundaries

All About Boundaries By Gail-Elaine Tinker, MS, LPC What are boundaries? A boundary is a limit or line; think property boundaries, they let people know which is theirs and which is the neighbor’s. Boundaries are an imaginary line in your emotions which separate your...