WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'priority' in 'field list']
INSERT INTO wppf_actionscheduler_actions ( `hook`, `status`, `scheduled_date_gmt`, `scheduled_date_local`, `schedule`, `group_id`, `priority`, `args` ) SELECT 'action_scheduler/migration_hook', 'pending', '2025-03-06 21:22:43', '2025-03-06 16:22:43', 'O:30:\"ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule\":2:{s:22:\"\0*\0scheduled_timestamp\";i:1741296163;s:41:\"\0ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule\0timestamp\";i:1741296163;}', 1, 10, '[]' FROM DUAL WHERE ( SELECT NULL FROM DUAL ) IS NULL

Uncategorized Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Gail-Elaine Tinker MS, RM, CH, NCC, LPC

Empowerment for Women 101

A Comprehensive List On Being Your Very Best Self By Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S., Psychotherapist “The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” – Anna Quindlen, As a Psychotherapist, I...

Telling Your Story Via Journal

Getting to Know Yourself Through Writing By Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S.  Psychotherapist Mankind has always had an impulse to tell stories. Since the beginning, we have found ways to tell our stories orally, pictorially, via hieroglyph, and then written language....

Is Your Life Hacked by Narcissism: Get Your Life Back

  By Gail-Elaine Tinker MS, RM, CH, NCC, LPC      Psychotherapist Narcissist Personality defined: long-standing pattern of grandiosity (fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a lack of empathy toward others. People with this...