Why Would I Use Hypnosis?
By Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S., CH, LPC
Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique used by hypnotherapists who use relaxation and attention focusing exercises to give positive suggestions to the subconscious mind. Ethical professionals will use the client’s own words amid other scripted materials. Once controversial, it is a respected practice in Psychology, due to the powerful outcomes involving clients with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, insomnia, phobias, and those wishing to change troublesome behaviors like smoking, picking, and weight gain.
Many have seen hypnosis portrayed on TV or movies and have formed an opinion that it is a dangerous practice. Some have witnessed ‘stage hypnosis,’ where a skilled professional uses hypnosis for edu-tainment. The truth is that hypnosis is used more frequently for positive outcomes, like dispelling claustrophobia or helping with IBS. Hypnosis can help clients manage a chronic health condition by giving the client a positive sense of control, often reducing symptoms.
Can hypnosis be used for nefarious purposes? Maybe, although the correct answer is that while under hypnosis, you are fully aware and will not do anything against your values. That being said, I would never allow a non-professional to hypnotize me, so I urge care in selecting a qualified, ethical practitioner. This does not include street performers, fortune tellers, or salespeople. I know trained doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage and reiki practitioners who utilize hypnosis as well as psychotherapists, with the patient’s permission, to relax or address pain issues.
Receiving hypnosis is a highly relaxing experience, as one often sits in a reclining chair, possibly with a blanket, and follows suggestions for relaxation by often imagining a delightful place where time is slow and all things positive can happen. The hypnotherapist provides suggestions to visit the beach, mountains, jungle, in a hot-air balloon, or wherever relaxation on vacation frequently occurs. Once relaxed, often to the point of ‘awake sleeping,’ suggestions can be made. You can focus on the positive image via constructive imagery in the scripts. You ‘awake’ feeling relaxed and refreshed.
Have you ever fallen asleep in your chair while watching TV? You are enjoying a program, when your eyes slowly close and your breathing softens. The entire body relaxes supported by your comfy chair. You may hear the TV as you rest and sometimes if you fall asleep, you have dreams corresponding to the TV program playing. This is what hypnosis feels like. Do you awake ‘influenced’ by the show? No, you return to yourself. Perhaps of something in the show were a positive idea, corresponding to your desires, you might feel better in control to address that issue.
Using the client’s own words is a powerful script for hypnosis, as the client recognizes repeated thoughts which are positive. This would resemble, “I, client, will do a special thing daily, and I feel wonderful in doing it.” This is nothing other than what the client wants, so when suggested to the subconscious, can be powerfully effective.
Self-Hypnosis is a wonderful companion to professional hypnosis. If you will take some deep breaths, read aloud a few calming statements, and re-state your specific desire, before closing your eyes for the night, it will reinforce the professional process. This can also be done during meditation time and as a relaxer during the workday. The act of reinforcing positive goals will make the professional sessions more effective.
Clients with issues like anxiety and insomnia can utilize YouTube and purchased CD/DVD offerings of self-hypnosis to further the relaxation and sleep process. They often commence with relaxing music, calming phrases, and beautiful vistas which can improve relaxation, should you choose to allow it. Remember, you have free will during hypnosis and if you are unable to relax into the exercises, they will not likely be effective.
So, if you have the need or desire to make changes in your life or simply gain a positive attitude, find a local Hypnotherapist. Remember to first ask questions about their ethics and intentions. Bring a specific desire to your first session, “I wish to do ______.” because using your therapy time to discover your wants and needs will take time away from hypnosis. Trained professionals can help you with this powerful and recognized technique in addition to talk-therapy and other helpful modalities. No need to fear hypnosis, when you can embrace it as a support to your life.
Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S. CH, LPC is a licensed psychotherapist who uses hypnosis with clients who request it. Many clients have successfully relieved many difficult symptoms and issues by the methods described. To contact her directly, call 610-216-4319, or send a message via ge@tinkerpsychotherapy.com.