by Gail-Elaine Tinker | Apr 6, 2016 | abuse, acceptance, co-parenting, CODEPENDENCY, communication, counseling, divorce, domestic violence, empathy, insomnia, life-hack, NARCISSISM, psychotherapy, separation, TRAUMA, Uncategorized, WOMEN
By Gail-Elaine Tinker MS, RM, CH, NCC, LPC Psychotherapist Narcissist Personality defined: long-standing pattern of grandiosity (fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a lack of empathy toward others. People with this...
by Gail-Elaine Tinker | Apr 6, 2016 | acceptance, alternative medicine, CHRONIC PAIN, counseling, GRIEF, psychotherapy, reiki, TRAUMA, Uncategorized, WOMEN
Integrative Medicine and Mind/Body Awareness Enhance Practice of Psychotherapy By Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S., RM, CH, NCC, LPC I have a wonderful client who refers to my alternative training as my “whoo-whoo” side. She means it as a fond joke, referring to the idea that...
by Gail-Elaine Tinker | Feb 14, 2014 | AUTISM, CHRONIC PAIN, GRIEF, TRAUMA, WOMEN
How Reiki Can Help With Physical and Emotional Distress by Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S. Psychotherapist/ Reiki Master/ Life Coach The only premise one needs to accept or experience the power of Reiki is an acceptance of an all-encompassing energy which sustains every...
by Gail-Elaine Tinker | Feb 11, 2014 | acceptance, CODEPENDENCY, intolerance, NARCISSISM, WOMEN
10 Steps to Increase Relationship Satisfaction by Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S. Psychotherapist “There is one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one’s life – reciprocity. ~Confucius” Human couples of every kind want...
by Gail-Elaine Tinker | Jan 27, 2014 | ADDICTION, CODEPENDENCY, Uncategorized, WOMEN
Ideas of Addiction “Control” and History Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S, RM Psychotherapist/ Life Coach Since before the 1920s days of Temperance and Prohibition alcohol was viewed to be the destroyer of individuals and families. Ministers preached, people marched, and...
by Gail-Elaine Tinker | Jan 23, 2014 | CODEPENDENCY, WOMEN
How Women Can Make and Keep Female Friends By Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S. Psychotherapist/ Coach When I hear women say that they don’t have women friends, they don’t like women, and they simply find men to be better friends it is a ‘red flag’ to that woman’s self-esteem....