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Tinker Psychotherapy Service | Family Therapy

Family Therapy and Adolescent Psychotherapy Services

My practice is generally geared toward individuals and groups of adults; however, I do see adolescents with their parents, provided all parties have signed agreements to therapy. I am trained and experienced in support of residential/ outpatient program aftercare. Adolescents are required to sign a behavioral contract and do electronic check-ins. Family Therapy [see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_therapy for more information] is required at additional cost, to the very substantial benefit of the entire family unit. Fortunately, I offer experience in relaxation, narrative, transformative art, play, and experiential therapy modalities to enhance the special needs of adolescents. I have experience with Special Needs Adolescents, Sexuality/Gender Identity Issues, Addiction, including Gambling and Electronic, Mental Health Diagnoses, Eating Disorders, Self- Abuse, Sexual Abuse, and so on. Remember, both adolescent and entire family must agree to treatment with me.

I am also accustomed to working with families and corresponding with the Court and Specialists to facilitate the special needs of Adolescent casework. If the adolescent is being treated medically by Physician or Psychiatrist, I will need to be included in receipt of reports from those doctors; a release will be necessary. I will gladly share a limited report with any professionals you deem fit. Sometimes such report writing and record keeping requires hours of my time outside of therapy and you are billed for this time. I will always try to notify you if such a charge is coming your way so can plan for the expense, and I will try to minimize such costs.

Please be aware that Health and Behavior Health Insurance Programs rarely provide for my individualized, stringent, and compassionate level of care often preferring ‘cookie-cutter’ programs; therefore, you will more than likely NOT be reimbursed for my services, even as an out-of-network provider. For this I am very sorry, but feel it is essential to notify you at the forefront of your investigation into treatment for yourself or child. I have enjoyed the honor to have been trained over the years by top professionals, a few who designed some of the treatment methods used today. I remain current in addiction, trauma, and chronic pain theory and treatment and contribute as a blogger to discussion on these and related topics.

Adolescent needs are even more specific than for adults. They need to be seen more frequently, such as twice weekly initially, and on a very consistent basis – meaning appointment must be kept except in the case of illness or emergency. The entire family must commit to a regular course in therapy, which means they must agree upon meeting regularly. I understand what a task such an undertaking can be for some families, however, the effort is designed to make the most effective and positive results in your adolescent’s wellness.

If you are a young person, under the age of 18, who has read this and is interested in therapy – I am impressed at your level of commitment and determination. You need your parent’s / legal guardian cooperation and payment to work with me. Sometimes this is difficult to obtain. If you are unable to work this out and still need help with issues mentioned above I hope you will speak with a trusted adult – at home, school, coach, place of worship, or in the community. There are also community agencies in most areas and in the Lehigh Valley, PA (where I am located) who are dedicated to assisting individuals of all ages. Look in the ‘Human Resources’ section in the front of any phone book for the entire selection or Google your specific needs. You may also connect to a crisis hotline by dialing 911 or can report child abuse at CHILDLINE 1-800-932-0313. The only thing you must NOT do is give up on yourself and hope for the future.

If you have any questions regarding your adolescent’s suitability for therapy with Tinker Psychotherapy Services, you are welcome to call Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S. at ge@tinkerpsychotherapy.com or 610-216-4319..

Gail-Elaine Tinker, M.S. has current clearance from child abuse history from Pennsylvania State to work with adolescents and children. She is also a mandated reporter for Child Abuse.