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Tinker Psychotherapy Services | Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy and Counseling

tinker-logo-w-shadowHypnotherapy, after discarding some of the strange myths surrounding, is an excellent companion to Positive Psychology. It facilitates you in determining your customized goals which become reinforced in hypnosis and self-hypnosis. You have control at all times, in designing and using this modality to make your goals for being your best self. Do you have an important life goal? We can develop customized steps, with accountability and support to help you realize this goal. Hypnotherapy just takes your own inner ‘hopes’ and cements them into the forefront and then we set forth positive steps to help you get there.

Professional counseling can assist you in determining the proper goal, the exact need… before helping you become as relaxed as you are when you sleep, however, you are awake and in my office. You are aware of the process and can stop it at will, but why would you? You are safe and have requested hypnosis for the use in assisting in your therapeutic needs. We will go over self-hypnosis, so you can repeat the process at home, for relaxation and reinforcing the affirmations on your own, making the process more effective.

I frequently utilize hypnosis with clients suffering from severe anxiety, especially from health complications, phobias, or PTSD. Hypnosis feels like a relaxation exercise, only goes deeper, with the client’s permission. Suggestions regarding beginning to trust the self toward continued relaxation and the custom affirmations are given gently. Relaxation is ended with suggestions toward ultimate wellness. The client is reminded to practice at home. That is ‘it,’ not that dramatic… but very helpful in a subtle, but impactful way.

Lastly having a Licensed Professional Counselor (among other qualifications) and Certified Hypnotherapist means you are in the best hands professionally and ethically. If you have any questions, please contact Gail-Elaine Tinker MS, RM, CH, NCC, LPC, with your concerns.

Problems Hypnotherapy Can Help:                

  • Improved self-esteem
  • Reinforcing of healthy habits
  • Health & wellness goals
  • Strategy for being a better student, worker or family member,
  • Distancing oneself from repetitive behaviors
  • Teaching self-relaxation – a life-long needed skill


The Kind of Problems I Typically Help People Overcome with Hypnotherapy:

  • Anxiety related to medical issues, grief, and other areas of helplessness
  • Goals for weight loss, exercise, and healthy lifestyle
  • Insomnia and anxiety/restlessness during sleep
  • Phobic types of concerns – like driving after a car accident or elevator fear
  • Positive Goals: Business, Life, Student, Artistic, Sport
  • Overcoming a past ‘trauma’ which is impeding life progress